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Maintenance Considerations For Quartz Stone Source:  New Classic Series EU Standard Quartz Stone     Newstime:  2019-03-07 13:41:30     person browsing

1. Why should we prevent strong chemicals from contacting the quartz surface?

A: Quartz Stone Slab Food Grade has long-lasting resistance to damage, but it is still necessary to avoid contact with strong chemicals, such as paint remover, metal cleaner, and stove cleaner. Do not touch methylene chloride, acetone (removing nail polish), strong acid cleaner. If you accidentally come into contact with the above items, immediately rinse the surface of the quartz stone with plenty of soapy water. If you get nail polish, use a detergent that does not contain acetone (eg, water, alcohol), then rinse with water. 

Do not allow excessively heavy or sharp objects to directly impact the surface: Do not rinse with cold water immediately.

Quartz Stone Slab Food Grade

2. How to remove most of the stains and dirt on the surface of the Quartz Desktop?

A: Wash with soapy water or detergent containing ammonia (eg detergent).

3. How to remove the scale on the surface of the Quartz Solid Surface?

A: Remove the scale with a damp cloth and wipe it off with a dry cloth.

If you are interested in, please inform us quartz@aibostone.com.

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